Hurricane Damage Services: El Nino May Result In Fewer Hurricanes

Despite a couple of storms that got the jump on the 2012 Hurricane Season, some forecasters are predicting that this year may see fewer storms than normal as the result of El Nino forming in the Pacific, which could means a damper on hurricane activity in the Atlantic. The prediction was detailed in a new report released on Monday from the National Weather Service, and could result in significantly less hurricane damage.

El Nino is a pattern of warmer than average surface water that extends east to west along the equator ni the Pacific Ocean. This warmer air triggers changes in the trade winds that are capable of influencing weather patterns on a global scale. Florida sees the results of El Nino in more rainfall, lower temps, and more winter storms than normal.

El Nino is expected to begin affecting local weather throughout August and September, creating wind shear problems that tend to dampen the effect of cyclone formation. If there is an increase in severe weather, it will most likely be during December, January, and February with stronger than average winter storms.

The current hurricane season wasn’t initially predicted to be above average, however, the early signs did indicate a busy season. For the last few weeks, however, the Atlantic basin has been quiet.

The one thing that can be counted on, however, is the unpredictability of severe weather, and Florida residents should always make sure that their property is properly protected from hurricane damage in the event of strong tropical storms or hurricane conditions.

Such preparation includes fortifying the home against strong winds and torrential rains. Exterior items should be secured to avoid them becoming airborne missiles during tropical storm conditions. Storm shutters should be provided or plywood board up materials purchased to prevent hurricane damage to windows and doors.

Residents should also be familiar with evacuation routes and have an end destination in mind to carry loved ones and possessions out of harm’s way.