Weatherbug Lightning Detection and Alert to be Installed in Florida School System

Lee Public Schools have secured the use of Weatherbug Lighting Systems for use in 13 of its school locations. Beginning this fall, the system will be deployed on the rooftops of the schools to help protect more than 25000 high school students from threats related to lightning and other forms of severe weather.

Lightning has always been a serious concern in the district, which made the need for an advanced warning system even more necessary, allowing schools an extra measure of protection and warning on when the appropriate moment may be to halt outdoor activities or take appropriate cautionary measures when severe weather approaches.

Lightning strikes are responsible for hundreds of injuries and deaths every year, even though the majority of the lightning takes place in the clouds.  In cloud lightning often provides a very clear indicator of the pattern the severe weather system may take on the ground.

The outdoor alert system utilized by Lee Public Schools produces a high decibel signal whenever in cloud and cloud to ground lightning enters a predetermined radius, normally 10 miles, surrounding the school location. The lightning sensors placed at each school will be a part of the world’s largest total lightning network, operated by Weatherbug.

“With the lightning detection and alerting technology available today, there is absolutely no reason to remain in harm’s way when lightning and severe weather is in the area,” says WeatherBug Director of Enterprise Solutions, Frank McCathran. “It is about ensuring peace of mind by knowing that you are helping keep your students, athletes, coaches and fans safe through advanced warning. We are proud to be helping the Lee County Schools’ staff and community with this important initiative.”

Other school systems are likely to follow suit with the expected success of the Lee Public Schools project.